Positive Points: COVID Keepers

Positive Points: COVID Keepers Channel 4’s The Last Leg coined the phrase COVID Keepers to describe habits started during the pandemic that have become very beneficial to us. COVID Keepers are those habits that we started over the course of the pandemic and would like to continue after life returns to ‘normal’. After I heard the phrase, I decided to give it some thought: what have I started doing over the past 12 months that have served me well and that I would like to continue doing? And these are my COVID Keepers:   Yoga I have started doing more yoga, especially before breakfast. It seems to really wake my body and mind and set me up for the day. I feel more productive and focused while feeling less stressed.…
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Positive Points: LGBTQIA+ history month

I realise that this is being published right at the end of LGBTQIA+ history month but this is a personal perspective. Firstly the acronym; L= Lesbian G= Gay T= Transgender Q=Queer I=Intersex A= Asexual or All += other identities and preferences. As someone who grew up feeling as comfortable as one can in their own identity and gender I have always wanted to understand and learn from people whose experience is different from mine. People who identify as a different gender from what they were assigned at birth, people who feel they don’t conform to what is perceived as ‘normal’ or ‘conventional’ in terms of sexuality. I had a great opportunity recently when a good friend of mine who I have always know as a lesbian or gay woman asked…
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Positive Points: COVID Vaccination

As I am still doing the locum job in the NHS; see blog from 30th Oct 2020; (https://www.positivepositioning.co.uk/blog/positive-points-locum-work) I received an email saying I was eligible to book a vaccination appointment at the new mass vaccination centre in Leeds at Elland Road. I jumped at the chance and immediately followed the link to the booking website. The process was simple, just complete the online form including personal details NHS number and book a time slot. 08:55 weds 27th Jan was my chosen time and I drove to Elland Road. I had to remember my staff ID, have the email confirmation ready to show people and of course wear my face mask. There were many signs for the parking and many marshals in day glow orange smiling and directing people to…
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Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas to all Wishing you a healthy 2021 Looking forward to doing business with you next year From all at Positive Positioning
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Positive Points: Design and Technology

I have been watching a programme on BBC2 Inventing the Impossible: the big life fix https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09g5hwf The BBC bill it as “The UK’s leading inventors create ingenious new solutions to everyday problems and build life-changing solutions for people in desperate need” All the people featured have a strong desire to achieve something but have a barrier to overcome. Here are a few examples: Ian has Cerebral Palsy and wants to sail his own boat Pollyanna is a lower limb amputee and wants to be a ballerina Graham has a spinal cord injury and wants to snowboard again Through inventive technology and engineering, The Big Life Fix team design and develop prototype inventions to create solutions. Once a created, the team refine the prototype into a workable result for the individual.…
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