Positive Points: acts of kindness

Positive Positioning is looking at new ways of supporting the people we usually work with as we recognise that our client group are particularly vulnerable. We acknowledge that face to face treatment sessions are not appropriate for the foreseeable future but feel it is important to maintain contact with our clients and offer support as best we can. We will be open for telephone consultations and chats to make sure people have some social contact. We can even use technology such as Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp to have video calls. We know this will not work for everyone and does not replace hands on treatment, but we must follow the advice and keep our distance and not expose vulnerable people to the virus. I will be conducting my first video…
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Positive Points: Practical Manual Handling training for Care staff

What is all the fuss about manual handling training? We carry things every day in normal life so why do we need training to do tasks at work? Unfortunately, people get hurt more often than you may think. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics show that in the UK in 2017 – 186.6 million working days were lost due to musculoskeletal injuries. Many of these were as a result of poor manual handling. Poor manual handling also accounts for the largest number of injuries and lost days of work in the health and social care sectors. The Health and Safety at Work Act places a duty of care on employers to ensure, “so far as reasonably practicable, the health safety and welfare of people at work”. Employers must, therefore,…
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Positive Points: Attitude

I love snow sports and enjoy watching Ski Sunday on the BBC. The episode broadcast on Sunday 5th Jan 2020 featured an article on Darren Swift (Swifty), the snowboarder without legs. I watched it and I was inspired. Army veteran Swifty lost both his legs above the knee in a bomb explosion whilst serving in Northern Ireland in 1991. Swifty was in Laax for the Brits, the annual British Ski and Snowboard championship, and was interviewed by Jenny Jones. He discussed his experiences regarding the explosion, his injuries and the 18-month rehab period, and divulged that the main thing he wanted was independence. Swifty’s adventurous spirit was never going to allow him to remain in one place. In the time after losing his legs, Swifty explored the world in his…
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Positive Points: Seating assessment and prescription part 2

In seating assessment and prescription part 1 we explored the goals of seating, having assessed the physiological, physical and social aspects of the seating it is time to assess the person who will sit in the seat. In order for someone to be functional in their environment they need to have the correct amount of support in the right places, too much and they are restricted by the seat, too little and they are restricted by their body traying to support itself. When carrying out a seating assessment for a client, the starting point should be the pelvis as this is the foundation of the sitting position. The assessing therapist will look at the bony parts of the pelvis and will use their hands to feel where they are in…
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