Positive Positioning is looking at new ways of supporting the people we usually work with as we recognise that our client group are particularly vulnerable. We acknowledge that face to face treatment sessions are not appropriate for the foreseeable future but feel it is important to maintain contact with our clients and offer support as best we can.
We will be open for telephone consultations and chats to make sure people have some social contact. We can even use technology such as Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp to have video calls. We know this will not work for everyone and does not replace hands on treatment, but we must follow the advice and keep our distance and not expose vulnerable people to the virus.
I will be conducting my first video consultation this morning and will blog again describing how it went.
It is also an opportunity to help other people nearby. Yesterday I went to the supermarket, queued to get in, the requisite 2m from other shoppers. The doorman was operating a one out one in policy so social distancing could be maintained in the supermarket. Apart from toilet rolls most items were available. I had shopping lists from 5 different households ; one for my own house and 4 for vulnerable people nearby. It was then my privilege to drive to the households, knock on the door and step back leaving the goods on the doorstep. We were able to then have a conversation with me at a distance and enjoy a little company and sunshine.
Please feel free to get in touch with us even if just for a chat 0845 1162083 we’d love to hear your stories of acts of kindness