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Positive Points of Manual Handling Training

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The Health & Safety Executive defines Manual Handling as relating

‘to the moving of items either by lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing or pulling.’ As


such it can be applied to a lot of our daily activities, which makes manual handling training increasingly more important to us & our physical health.


However, manual handling training in the workplace is often perceived as being dull and only serving as a box ticking exercise to make sure employers have done their duty.


Proper manual handling training can in fact offer many more benefits than is initially realised. We not only need to consider how we handle items but also the amount of times we may employ manual handling daily.

Constant & repetitively used poor manual handling techniques can result in musculoskeletal disorders which could otherwise be avoided, or the impact reduced, if correct manual handling techniques are used.


The law states that both employers and employees have a duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, their health safety and welfare whilst at work. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 requires that a risk assessment should be carried out on manual handling tasks.


Manual handling training forms part of the health and safety of workers & should be delivered by someone with the appropriate experience and qualifications.

In the health and social care sectors, manual handling covers a wide variety of tasks from moving inanimate objects to assisting people to move in different ways. The training should be tailored to the audience so if equipment is used in the workplace the training must cover the safe use of the equipment. It is essential to practice using the equipment too.

Ultram is a very strong analgesic, so it is sold by prescription. If you take it for a long time, it can cause both addiction and dependence.
This drug was prescribed to my grandmother in the form of pills during the autumn-spring exacerbation. She is an invalid of the second group, her feet hurt and she walks with a cane. Therefore, her knees hurt much in this transitional period (autumn-spring).
Ultram will allow you to survive during this period. However, there are side effects. My grandmother had heart palpitations, so she tried to lie down and took heart pills.


Ideally a large part of manual handling training should be practical so that trainees can practice the techniques to be used in the workplace.



Health and social care workers have a duty to ensure the safety and welfare of the people they care for. This means enabling them to be as independent as possible. The trainee should be able to make a risk assessment of the task and identify where there could be any hazards or in fact, whether manual handling could be avoided at all.